Monday, January 25, 2010

Hi Everyone!

Hi everyone!

So this week was pretty eventful, unfortunately I forgot my planner and therefore don’t have my notes. But we’ll see what I can remember. So this week in itself wasn’t out of the ordinary in terms of things that happened. Lessons, contacts, you know, the average missionary stuff. So on Friday we had interviews with the president of the mission. These are always good, because they really get your spirits up to work hard. So I think that’s really all that happened in terms of events. But some pretty cool things happened this week. So Gonzalo, Alejandros brother, is the man. So he has been getting stronger and stronger, more sure of his choice to be baptized. So one day he decided to come out with us and go to a lesson. So we went out with him and he would do contacts for us and everything! He would yell "alo" at the house (don’t know if I ever told you guys, but pretty much every house here has a gate, and you stand at the gate and yell ¡Alo! To make them come out), and then ask if we could come in. And then we taught the lesson and he would just jump in and bear his testimony without us asking. All of this and he's not even baptized yet! So in other good news, Luis, our golden investigator, is as strong as ever too. In fact we went to teach him the restoration, and he ended teaching us the law of chastity too! And another young kid named Juan Carlos is ready to be baptized. So all of this accumulates to Sunday, which was a spectacular day. I shall elaborate…
  So on Sunday things were pretty normal, we had 3 baptism interviews planned for Luis, Gonzalo, and Juan Carlos. Oh yeah, on Sunday, Felipe also received the Holy Ghost, and I got to do the confirmation. That’s always a great experience, even though I'm always super nervous to do it. Anyways, in gospel principles class the teacher asked Felipe and also Maria (our new convert) to share their feelings about Christ. And they really shared some pretty powerful testimonies, it was so cool. Then after Elders Quorum, Luis stands up and says, can I just say a couple things? So, then he bore his testimony about how the church was true, and I heard it was very spiritual. But the thing is that I wasn’t there! I had to go out with Elder Viana to go to the hospital to give a blessing. But I heard it was really something else. So basically, Gonzalo and Luis rule. I don’t know if I told you Luis’ story, but I'll share it really shortly.
  So Luis randomly came to church one week with his sister, who is less active, and I've never seen in church. So we got an appointment with him to go by that Tuesday. So we get there, and he tells us this massive story about how he has studied in many religions (catholic, evangelist, jehovahs witnesses, etc) and he has always found them to not be truly correct. Like they don’t have all the doctrine. So in church that we he said he found so many answers he had been looking for, and basically told us he knew the church was true from that moment on. And from then its history. So going back to Sunday…
  So then we had the 3 interviews, for Luis, Gonzalo, and Juan Carlos. The good news…is that all of them passed! So that’s very exciting. And added to that is the fact that the other missionaries we live with are gonna have at least 2, probably 4 baptism that same day. So that'll be exciting to see that many people in white. But there is one problem, the fact that Juan Carlos still doesn’t have the permission from his mom. When we went by she said she would have to talk to him alone and think about it. I'm hoping and praying that she will give him the permission.
  So that’s basically what happened this week. This Sunday will be very exciting. So just one side note; almost everyone here in Chile (and I think in south America for that matter) has had some type of religious/spiritual dream or experience. And I really do mean almost everyone. So that’s just interesting. Oh yeah one more thing, I heard it reached 40 degrees Celsius one day last week, that’s 104 degrees farenheit!
  Well that’s all I got for you guys this week. This is the Lords work, the church is true. Love you all, and talk to you next week!

¡Cuidense harto!
Elder Ryan Mayberry

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