Monday, December 13, 2010


  This week was soo nice for us. A lot of good stuff happened ( I took good notes throughout the week), and a couple unexpected things also happened. So I'm just gonna start it off right away.
  Alright, so Monday = normal day.  Tuesday was good for us. There's a neighborhood waaaay up on a hill in our sector (it's where Jocelyn and Elisa live) called the Huaska. Now, I've contacted it here and there, but on Tuesday we started what I call "Project Knock the Huaska" We're gonna contact every door, and if no one comes out the first time were gonna go back. Now we've already seen some success in finding new people who have let us in, I'm excited to do it. So also on Tuesday, me and Elder Strong went to the church so he could practice the piano. So I was downstairs while he was upstairs practicing. so I decided to quietly sneak upstairs, crawl underneath the benches, and I popped up right in front of the piano, and scared the living daylights out of Elder Strong. It was pretty funny.
  Ok, so also on Tuesday. So I think I told you we had a mouse in the house, right? Well it's been there for like over a month and we had tried everything to get it, poison, etc. So one night I made a trap. I led a ramp up to a bucket of water, and put a see-saw on it with food at the end, so if the mouse stepped on it he would fall in. So the trap was there for like a week in the middle of the kitchen, and on Tuesday, it finally worked! I'll put on some pics.
  So on Wednesday was the Teletón, the national wide telethon they have each year. And everyone watches it. SO that was interesting. Also, this week was the national day of the virgin Mary, so they had a massive procession here in Lirquen. Also on Wednesday we went to the chapel with Jocelyn to help set up for her wedding.
  So on Thursday morning was the wedding! We had permission to go to it and the reception. And it was really cool. So for the marriage it's necessary that theres 2 official witnesses to sign the marriage document, Elder Strong and me were the witnesses! It was way cool. So then we went to the reception and had a good time.
  On Friday we had the Mission Conference, which would have been really good, except that I was sick the whole time. It started with a massive headache, then I threw up right before lunch, so I didn't get to eat the delicious lunch :( But it was still a good conference. Then after we had the baptism interviews of Jocelyn and Elisa. Jocelyn passed, but Elisa still didn't feel like she was ready.
  Then on Saturday we got the info that Jocelyn was really sick. And that also led into Sunday, so she didn't get baptized :( But she's good for this next week. Also we've been talking to Elisa a lot, and helping her with her testimony, especially of Joseph Smith. She lacks only a very little. SO she after watching the restoration with us said that she thinks she'll be baptized this Sunday. So we're pumped for that, Jocelyn and Elisa should both be baptized this Sunday.
  So that's how the week went in Lirquen. SO we're very excited for this next week. Today we went to Telepizza for lunch, and after this, we're gonna go take pictures of us with the capsule fenix 2! Yes, THE capsule that brought up the miners, it's here in conce for a bit so next week you'll have some cool pictures of me. Also, here's a couple pics (two of the trap, one from the weeding) from this week (Elder strong has all the good wedding pics, and he left his camera at home :( )But thanks for everthing! Have a great week!

Elder Ryan Mayberry

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