Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas bread everywhere!

   Hello everyone!! Great to hear from you all. Things are going great here in Chile, the work is really moving forward, and we are recieving all kinds of blessings. So I'll start with the investigators...

   So this week we've seen a lot of progress with our investigators. So Maria Alejandra had her baptismal interview this sunday, and she passed! So she's going to be baptized this coming Sunday, the 20th. Also, we received a blessing out of nowhere. So originally, this member came up to us and asked if we could teach his daughter. She is 8, and that means she should be his responsibility. But we just found out this week that she really isn't his daughter, but the daughter of the lady he lives with. So it turns out we are supposed to be teaching her. But the good news is that she too passed her interview, and she'll be baptized the 20th too! So were gonna have 2 more baptisms this Sunday. Exciting.
   So other investigators. So we recently started teaching some ladies named Carolina, Margarita, and her son Sebastian. They received the teaching well, and they told us they really wanted to come to church. But in the end they didn't, so we'll find out why this coming week. Another of our investigators, Felipe (hes 15), we taught him and his family the restoration this week. He accepted it well, and he says he has been searching many churches, and this one is most in line with his beliefs. Anyways, we asked him to give the closing prayer, and halfway through he just started crying. We don't know exactly why, but we will find out this week. And more news on Amalia. We finally talked to Gerson, the guy she lives with, about moving out. And he is in a very difficult decision, very complicated. He said he would know what he was going to do this week, so we'll see how it goes. And our other investigator Erika came to church again! She has 0 support in her house, and this is a big roadblock for her. But thankfully she has confided in some of the members, and they are helping her a lot. Basically, we have a lot of investigators that are halfway progressing.
Elders; Mayberry, Jorgensen,Viana, Christensen

   So in other news. just some random things. So there's a rascist dog that lives down a street, every time we walk by it basically follows us barking until we are super far away. But then a Chilean walks by and he does nothing, haha. Also the junebugs are out, which I thought to be pretty darn amusing. And another thing, potatos here are 190 pesos a kilogram. Thats about 40 cents for 2.2 pounds of potatos. Pretty good I think. Also here during Christmas time they have a thing called^Pan de Pascua. Here they call Christmas both Navidad and Pascua, even though Pascua really is Easter. Anyways, it's not very not good, but everyone has it and I'm getting sick of it, haha. So another cool thing, we went over to Alejandros house (the new convert) for his birthday and we ate some completos. That was good.
   And today we went to a place called Vilches. Its basically like some mountains where you hike. It was cool and a lot of fun. Il be sending some pics with this email.          Not in danger - Elder Mayberry

   So that's about all I have for this week. I'm getting excited for Christmas to come, and the work is going very well here. But Elder Jorgensen is probably gonna leave at the end of this cambio. But we'll see. So I heard something funny, yet very true. Someone said, "You know it's the true church when they leave the entire integrity of the church to 19 year old boys" It is so true, where else do you see 50,000 plus 19 year old boys spreading the gospel for no reimbursement; only because they know it's true. Así es. This church is so true. The truest as a matter of fact. I know this without a doubt, and I'm so happy I can be a tool in the Lords hands, to bring people closer to him. Love you all a ton and look forward to hearing from you.
 Elder Jorgensen and Mayberry

Until next time,
Elder Ryan Mayberry

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