Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello's from Chillan!

Hello everyone!
Thanks for all the wishes and stuff, its crazy to think that on Wednesday I'll be turning 20 years old! So this week has been good. I'll start from the beginning I suppose.

  So on Monday we basically said bye to everyone, members, converts, investigators, etc. So then on Tuesday morning we had to report to the bus terminal at 8:30 in the morning. So then it was like a 3ish hour bus ride to reach Chillán. So I arrived and met my new comp. His names Elder Grant. He has like a year and a couple months in the mission. So we get along really well, no problems here. He's a cool guy. From Utah (obvious, haha). So that day we met a couple members, bought food, and did that kind of stuff.
  So then on Wednesday morning we had our district class, where I met the rest of the zone. They're cool. So after that we had to take a 45 minute bus ride to a different sector to do some baptism interviews (Elder Grant was just made district leader). And we were there most of the day, but we got home and had a family home evening which went well.
  So Thursday was the first full day I had in the sector. So the sector I'm in, El Libertador, is pretty big, I think its a tad bit smaller than my last sector. So I'm getting used to it, but with time I'll learn the sector. Friday was cool, we had a Noche de Capilla, a family home evening in the church. That was good, lots of people came. This wards pretty good, it seems like the missionaries have a lot of support from the members. So yeah, Sunday was good too. You know whats really wierd? So we share the chapel with another ward, it's the stake center. But what's weird is that first is priesthood/relief society, then sunday school, then sacrament last! How strange right? But yeah, sunday was good. We had 3 investigators in church.
  So thats about all I have for you. The next week I'll talk more about the sector and stuff. So this weeks gonnabe pretty good. One, the birthday, we don't really have anything planned but we'll see what happens. Also general conference is this weekend. It's basically Christmas for us missionaries, and it's 2 days long. And the way it works here is we get to watch it, and in English too! So I'm super excited to hear the prophet and the Apostles of the Lord speak to us. Should be a good one.
  So hope you all have a good week! The next time I write you guys I'll be 20! Boy I'm getting old. So, the church is true, I love the mission, it really is the Lords work. So I'll talk to you all next week!
Elder Mayberry.

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