Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ryan getting the rhythm 8-18-09

Hi everyone!
Hows everything going? Im gonna start off this email by running through an average day here at the MTC. We wake up at 6:30, shower and do all that good stuff, then go to a classroom by 7. We have all of our classes in one classroom the whole day, so basically we live in that classroom, and sleep at home. We do personal study until 7:45, then go eat breakfast. After breakfast we go to the gym; ive been playing volleyball recently. After an hour of gym, we have 30 minutes to get ready for class again, then go to class until 12:30, when we have lunch. Usually during this class period we learn some spanish and go over some gospel stuff too. After lunch, we have a block of class for like 4 hours until dinner. After dinner we have MDT, Missionary Directed Time, where we choose what we want to study and stuff. This is nice because we can study outside, which is usually a relief. We do that until 9, then plan for the next day for for 30 mins, then head back to the residences. We go to bed at 10:30. So thats a normal day here, some days it gets pretty mundane, but as long as you study hard and keep yourself busy then time can go pretty quickly. Like they say here "Days seems like weeks, and weeks seem like days." This is very true, I cant believe its almost been 2 weeks. The P-day schedule is pretty similar, but we dont have to go to class to do our studying. We wake up, do some studying in the room then head to breakfast. After breakfast we go to the temple, then come back for lunch. Then we have time to do laundry, write letters, and all that good stuff. We don't have gym on P-days, which is kinda silly, but what can you do. As for how I'm doing here, im doing pretty good. Im learning a whole, lot, not only the language but I'm also growing a whole lot spiritually. I'm really getting excited to teach the Chilean people about Christ and His Gospel. I've been sleeping pretty well each night. It takes about 15-20 minutes of laying in bed before I fall asleep; theres so much going on in my mind each night. And each night I've been here I've had a dream, dont know why. I do sometimes wake up during the middle of the night, but its no problem. To answer Grandma Sharons and everyone elses question about learning spanish, its going fantastically. Spanish is really coming back to me now. I can write a letter home in spanish if you really wanted to. The hard thing about it for me is actually speaking the language, I can write it very well, but speaking comes a little harder, sometimes I'll forget a word or conjugation. However, I'm pretty sure I could make it through the day only speaking spanish. I say all my prayers in spanish now as a matter of fact. To answer a couple of your other questions: I dont think I need anything else other than whats being sent. Yes, Im working very hard here. Yesterday I went over every verb tense for spanish study yesterday. And I'm about halfway done with the Book of Mormon already. After I finish it I'm going to read it in spanish, and hopefully I can finish that before I leave the MTC. Another new development, my companion Elder Doxey and I got another companion, so were a trio now. His name is Edler Paull, hes from Florida and is a pretty cool guy. I see all of my BYU friends in here a lot, Jason left last tuesday, and my roomate Chase and Brian Anderson just left yesterday. The next to go is Chad, he leaves at the end of the month. A couple other random things: I got that package, and it was very nice, thank you. Another funny thing, my district is living on the floor and in the rooms that were quarentined with swine flu when it was here. So the rooms have been stripped of the furniture and we got some old run down stuff, but it works. And I did here about the triplets the day I got here, never saw them though. A funny thing is that there's a pair of twins in mine and Aarons classes; one's in mine and the other is in Aarons. So, the camera, I've been taking quite a few pictures, and I can probably send the card home soon. Do you think that would be that best way to do it? It probably is, that way the pics can be put on the blog. How would I send it home, in an envelope? One more thing, you didn't send up pictures in the last package, so next time you get that chance to that would be very nice. Well thats all I can think of writing at this time. Thank you so much for the letters, they mean a lot. I'll write you again later today I think, or if not, talk to you next week!!
With Love, Elder Ryan Mayberry

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