Monday, April 19, 2010

Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone!
  So things are changing for the better here in Chillán. So it's finally getting chilly here in Chile (I've been thinking of that one for like a week, I'm so witty). But yeah, were going out with jackets and long sleeves. And it has rained a couple times, but not hard. And I've heard that during the winter it rains super hard here. So we'll see how that goes. And things are getting better with the investigators too, we saw a couple miracles this week. And I took notes of things to say! So hopefully this letter turns out better than last weeks.

  So this week started out pretty shaky. So it all started on Monday, it was 4:30, so we had an hour and a half left of Pday. So we took a bus from Centro towards home. And we ended up getting home at 6:20!! So the first bus turned out to go the wrong direction, which lef us in the campo, basically in the middle of nowhere. Then we had to wait for another, and we didn't get off at the right spot so they told us we had to get off and we were in the neighboring sector. Then we walked home. So I was a bit frustrated then, I was just tired but oh well. Then the rest of the day was good, we went 3 for 3 on having lessons with our appointments! So that felt good.
  Tuesday I went to the sector Bulnes on a minicambio. That went well, Bulnes is a small little town 45 minutes away. I was with Elder Bird for the day. He's from Washington, he also swam and has a twin brother too! So that day was good.
  So the whole day we thought we were gonna have interviews with the president on Thursday, but then Tuesday night the zone leaders called us and told us they were on Wednesday. So that was good, it's always great to hear from the president and the assisstants. That day was a good day. Later that day we talked to this lady who was a member, but then went inactive and became basically antimormon. So some pastor came to her one day and told her a bunch of lies about the church, and beause of that she stopped going. In that lesson we showed her she was wrong, and I was pretty frustrated. Not because of her but because of the person who told her all the lies. Ugh, makes me frustrated. Anyway, that same day we had a super amazing lesson. So it was with this family, the mom Eliana is a less active, and the dad isn't a member, the son either. So she stopped going to church because there was a big misunderstading, she wanted money from the church and didn't get it so she stopped going. It's really a pretty big story and I'm giving the condensed version. So we went there and we got in and she said "I dont want you to teach me anything, let's just talk" So we talked a bit, but then started teaching her. She then told us she realized she was wrong, and she ended up talking with us for like an hour. The spirit was really strong in that lesson, and I could really see how it worked on her, at the end she asked if we could come back the next day! So that was a really nice day.
  Thursday we taught a lady named Pamela. She is living with her boyfriend, and we had to teach her the law of chastity (shes pregnant too). So she told us that she basically would never marry the guy shes living with. It's kind of a complicated situation. She doesn't want to split up or get married. So we'll see where it goes from there.
  Then on Friday we had to do another minicambio, and I stayed in the sector this time. Also a pretty good day. Saturday also went well. Sunday not so good, we didn't have any investigators in church. But the work moves on. Today we had a zone activity, we played volleyball and made hamburgers.
  So that's basically what happened this week, twas a good week. Got the animo (encouragement?) back up. So a couple funny things. One: this week I saw birds flying north for the winter, haha. Also something I don't think I've told you, is that Chileans curse a lot. But it doesn't have the same impact as someone cursing in english, it's more like, "Hey that was a bad word he just said". Just a little tidbit about Chileans.
  Well that's about all I got for you this week. This work is true, the church is true. I love being here, even though times get tough. But the work keeps going. Have a great week everyone!

Elder Ryan Mayberry

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