Monday, April 12, 2010

Hola, Hola!

Hey everyone!
  So another week brought to a close, this week went by kinda fast. So I think this letters gonna be pretty short, sorry. But I shall explain why...

  So this week started with Tuesday, and we did a minicambio (a like comp exchange for the day). So  I stayed here in our secor and had to lead it, that was pretty fine, haven't been here too long but I'm pretty used to it now. So that was alright, but basically every appointment we had fell and we ended up doing a lot of contacts. And it turns out that was just the beginning. So basically we've got a problem here: no one is there for a 2nd appointment. So the whole week ended up like that, we barely had any sit down lessons. We've been going from fallen appointment to fallen appointment. So, that made the week a bit rough. But as we know the work continues, and we are blessed after the trial of our faith.
  So that's basically what happened this week. Pretty rough, but oh well. But hey, we had a couple funny encounters with drunks this week. Its funny, I saw a comic strip a missionary made and basically it was how the world sees us as missionaries. And one of the squares was how drunk guys see us, and the 2 missionaries were big bullseyes yelling Hey come talk to us! The funny thing is that's completely true.
  Also we rescued a tiny cat from on top of a roof and took him home and gave him some food, haha. I'm not sure if I told you but there's already a cat that basically lives on our patio. Oh yeah and on Tuesday someone threw a rock through our window. Oh well.
  Well about the investiagtors, we've got a couple that are doing alright. There's a lady named Ismenia and her son Mauricio. They're the neighbors of some recent converts. They' re progressing pretty good. And were also teaching this guy Miguel, who basically interepreted the Bible in his own way and so he has some pretty strange doctrine. But he said he would go to church but ended up not.
  And today we had an activity and some missionaries came over and we played board games like monopoly and made spaghetti. So that was good too.
  So I really can't think of more that went on this week. Once again I'll apologize for this letter being so short. But I guess what's important is that I'm fine and doing well right? I love you all, this really is the work of the Lord. I'll put on a couple pictures to make up for this short letter. Hope you all have great weeks!

Elder Mayberry

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