Monday, July 12, 2010

Don't Worry!

Well I made a mistake last week, I guess I just forgot to push send on this email! So here's last weeks big email...

  You may have been getting worried about me, we just got back from a long P-day adventure, which I'll talk about more in a bit. But this week was a really good one, with one of the coolest experiences I've seen here in the mission. Yeah so here goes...
  Well, basically this week was a normal week here. We've been working hard and finding success, we're getting people who are actually in their houses, and are there for the 2nd appointments. But yeah, we've got a couple people progressing better, but none have gone to church yet. So that's where we are, we've got good people we're teaching, they just gotta go to church. But, I'm short on time, so I'll basically tell you about the coolest person ever, and the coolest experience ever!
  So it's Thursday night and we're giving tours of the church to people walking by. We're about to stop and this girl is coming up real fast and we try to stop her but she just keeps going. She takes about 5 more steps, stops, then comes to us saying, 'I have a questions for you guys. I've been interested in your church for a long time, I'm kind of in a search for God.' So we start giving her a tour of the church. Her name's Leslie, she's like our age I think. Anyways, she had gone to a church, one that respects Saturday as the day of rest, but she said thats no big deal and can change. She actually got like excommunicated from her old church cuz she had a kid. But yeah, we go up to the picture of Christ getting baptized, and she's like 'Oh yeah, baptisms so important' and all this stuff. So we put a baptism date with her for the 8th of august. So the tour goes really well, she asked questions like, how long does it take to get prepared for a baptism, and stuff. Just like Golden questions. So we're leaving, and she kind of seemed like she was just gonna say that she had been raised in a church and it would be hard to change. So we bore testimonies, and she's like, you know, I really never have felt like I've fully gave myself to God through the other church. So she said she was gonna pray about it. We got her direction (address I mean), and she lives in the sector next to ours! We share a chapel wth another ward, and she perains to the other ward! In our minds we were both thinking NOOOOO. It kind of hurt a bit. But anyways, we told her we would be there the next day doing more tours if she wanted to come by.
  Next day, were standing outside the church, and sure enough to our left comes walking Leslie. Both of our hearts kind of jumped, cuz she came back right on time the next day! So then we taught her the restoration, had her doubts (but thats not a bad thing), but she realizes they can be cleared with prayer. But then she told us about how on the way home from talking to us yesterday she prayed and knows she's gotta get baptized!! SO then we finished the lesson, it was a good one, and we invited her to church. She said she'd come.
  Sunday rolls around, and we're waiting outside the church, and sure enough here comes Leslie in a taxi! She went to the ward where she should be, but it turns out her best friend is a member of that ward! We've got another appointment with her today where we're gonna pass her over to the other elders.
  She is someone totally prepared by the Lord. It's so crazy how the Lord prepares people. It just kind of stinks that we won't be teaching her.
  Well thats the highlight of the week (and of the past few months). But today we went to the snow! I took some pics but didn't bring my cable, so next week I'll send you them.
Love you all, the church is true!
Elder Ryan Mayberry

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