Monday, October 18, 2010

A good week!

Hello everyone!
This week was pretty good for us here in Lirquen, I'm pleased with the things that have happened. So first I'll do a summary of the events that happened, then a summary of the progress of the investigators. Ok, so starting at the beginning...
  Well on Tuesday we did a minicambio with Penco Centro, I had to do an interview for them over there. So that went well, the girl passed the interview and will be baptized the 24th. On Wednesday we found out that a members mom died, so we went to the funeral and Elder Strong sang at the funeral.  On Thursday morning we had to go to Concepcion to do Elder Strong's visa and id card, fun. We waited in line for 2 hours to do it.  And as you guys also know, the miners were all rescued! That was a really cool experience,and that's basically all they're showing on TV nowadays. 
  Now on Monday we recieved an email from the Presidents wife telling us we had to do a deep cleaning of the house on Saturday morning, until lunch time. Now, we had an appointment then, so we did ours on Friday. Let me tell you, I don't think our house had been cleaned before. So we spent all morning Friday doing it, and we got only halfway done! Then our Saturday morning appointment fell, and we finished the cleaning on Saturday morning.  It was a lot of work but the house looks a lot better now. But we did leave the vines in the house there as a recuerdo (rememberance?) of how it used to be, haha. 
  Ok, now its time for the investigators.
  Karina-doing excellent. We taught her almost every day this week, and she had her baptism interview and passed! She will be baptized this next sunday, the 24th! I've really grown to love that whole family. Her mom came with her to church this week too! So things are going excellently with her.
  Elisa- Kind of a roller coaster has happened with her. So we've been trying to help her get a testimony, she's really confused about which religion is correct. So we were teaching her one day and the doorbell rang, and she went out to answer it. It turns out it was her friend, who is a Jehovahs Witness, and she was out with her for 10 mins. I could her that the whole time she was just bashing our church. So they stopped talkiung and Elisa came back and just started crying. It really made me sad seeing how confused she was. So we left her the invite to pray. And then she came to church on Sunday! And we've got a cita with her soon so well see how things go.
  Monica - We had a frank lesson with her telling her she had to ponerse las pilas (put in the batteries, you now, like get things going and start doing stuff.) It was a really nice lesson and she understood it well, and she was all excited, but she was going out of town for the weekend :( So well see with her.
  Jocelyn - Things are going well there.  We actually went with Miguel (her boyfriend) to go arrange a time when the judge could marry them, but Jocelyn had to be there as well. So were gonna go back again this week to do that. Then theyll get married and shell get baptized!
  Paula Canalles - We managaed to teach her a lot this week but she didnt come to church.
  Well, and thats about it! So today we found out the cambios, and nothing happened here in Lirquen! Im staying here with Elder Strong, and were gonna do work here. Itll be good. Thanks for all the support, i love the work! Have a great week everyone!

Elder Ryan Mayberry

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