So basically, we've been working with Melani for her baptism on Saturday, her sister Carla too (even though she doesn't have permission), and we're trying to find some other new people, and working with a couple others. One of them is Marcela, she went to church once before I got here, and was out of town last week. On Tuesday we got to meet with her. She's really good, she's for sure getting baptized this month. There is a catch however, she's very pregnant. Actually, we taught her at the beginning of the month, then when we went to her house on Friday to teach her, she was on her way to the hospital to have the baby! So she couldn't come to church this week, but hopefully she gets out of the hospital soon. She took her book of Mormon to the hospital to read, so thats good.
Melani is doing awesome. She really has been more converted than ever, especially through the trials she's facing. She became a great investigator, reading the Bof M every day and all that, then took getting baptized seriously. And although her parents initially said they'd support her, now they've both expressed their disapproval of what she's doing. So it's been really hard on her. But she's pulling through. She's got a good support system of friends in the church. So her baptism date was for Saturday, and on Friday night we had a lesson with her at the Bishops house. Then we found out that if we had the baptism on Saturday, her sister Carla wouldn't be able to go, and she would be alone, so we decided to wait until Sunday for the baptism. Then came Sunday, the day of the baptism. It was such an amazing baptism!! It was one of the most spiritual ones I've had, Melani after also gave her testimony, and it was really beautiful, you can really tell that she has been truly converted. And then afterwards her sister came up to us and said "It won't be long til my baptism, today I'm gonna to have a really serious talk with my parents about it and make them give me permission!" She also was really affected by her sisters baptism, and its regiven her animo! So we're really excited about that. Other than those 2 we didnt have anyone else in church. Aww. So that was just a really great baptism. Now we gotta find more people to teach.
So, a couple other things happened this week. On Thursday we went to Hualqui, the hermanas sector, and gave a couple interviews. Then on Friday we had a zone conference, my last one of the mission. Wierd. So it was an amazing conference, we watched a Jeffrey R Holland talk he gave to missionaries in the MTC in January. Amazing. He talked about how we have to be truly converted, and shared a story from the New testament about it. After christ is resurrected, Peter and the apostles aren't exactly sure what to do, so they go back to what they did before, fishing. Then the Lord appears to them on the shore, and talks to them. He asks Peter if he loved him 3 times, told him to feed his sheep. Basically, he was telling Peter that things couldn't go back to the way they were, they were called to be apostles forever. He related it to that once we're converted, we can't go back to how we were before. We must be changed. It was really good, it hit me good, seeing as how I'm going home in 2 hands (look at your 2 hands open and you'll figure it out). Then, I realized I had to give my last testimony! So I basically just focused on 2 things: How I will be eternally grateful for my Mission, and how I'll always be thankful for the changes it's made in me and how I've grown in the gospel and become truly converted.
Well, that's basically it! It was a great week, we're excited for this month here in Chiguayante, we should see a lot of success. Have a great week, love you lots!
1)Me, Carla, Melani, i dont know who, Macarena (new convert), Elder Squires, Luis (Ward mission leader)
2)A view from my sector of the river Bio Bio, chiguayante is surrounded by hills basically.
3) The baptism
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