Monday, September 20, 2010

Crazy Week!

  So like the title says, this week was in fact crazy. Lots happened, which I'll try to tell you about. But the bad part is that the not much in terms of mission work happened. 
  So me and Elder Strong are doing well together. His spanish is slowly getting better and better, he's able to understand a lot more than when he got here. So as you guys know (or maybe not) Chile turned 200 years old this last week, on the 18th of September. Instead of just having 2 days of vacations, they had 4.  4 days where basically the country stops functioning, to party. But anyways, we didn't see many problems in the beginning of the week. We found out Monica was gonna go out of town for the weekend, but we still had a lot of other investigators here. It was all fine through Tuesday, Wednesday (we did a minicambio, I had to go do an interview in another sector), and Thursday. but then Friday the vacations started, and that's when we saw it affect the work. All of a sudden all our good investigators just left for the weekend. So Friday was kinda rough. Then we got the call from the Zone leaders that on Saturday, we weren't really even supposed to work. We had permission from the President to just go to the Church's activites and whatnot. So that's what we did.
  The day of the dieciocho (18) in the morning all the guys from the church went and played some soccer and a barbeque, which we joined. It was a lot of fun, I love playing now. Then we went and had some lunch. For the past few days we've been eating nothing but traditional Chilean food. Empanadas, (cheese and meat ones), barbeques, choripan (sausage and bread), pajaritos and alfajores (both deserts). All of those are good, and I like them. But they have here whats called mote con huesillo.  It's some watery juice, some wheat like stuff, and a dehydrated and the rehydrated peach. It's gross, but chileans love it. So thats basically what we had for the lunch the past week.
  After that we went to the ward party, which was pretty good. It was rather fome (lame) at the beginning because no one was there, but then people came and it was good. We ate more food, watched some people dance the Cueca (the Chilean traditional dance) and talked.
  Then Sunday was a normal Sunday. I had to give a talk (ugh, still don't like speaking in front of people, but I do it a lot better now), and we only had one investigator in church. Miguel, who's been an investigator for a long time. he's a really cool guy (hes 17), and he told us that night that he sí o sí (for sure) will get baptized when he turns 18 (he doesnt have his parents permission) (and he turns 18 on march 31st :))So we'll see what happens there.
  Today for Pday we had a zone activity. we went to a private type beach, had a barbeque, and played some futbol in the sand.  And there was a huge old tunnel, where in the middle it was pitch black! It was a lot of fun, and luckily I didnt get too trunky, haha.  So here I am now, writing you guys!
  This week is gonna be a lot better for us I think. We got a lot of people who I feel are gonna come to church this week.  And it'll be better cuz the festivites are all over now (techincally not til tomorrow). And this week we have a zone conference (where half the mission gets together), which should be good, we haven't had one in like 3 months. So I'm excited for that.
  Well thats about all I can think of. I love the work, I'm not trunky, and I'm so happy to be here. Hope you all have a great week! And here's some pictures you can enjoy!

Elder Ryan Mayberry

1) The tunnel

2) The cueca.

3) The beach we went to for p-day.

4) Me!

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