Monday, September 6, 2010

Cambios Grandes!

Hey everyone!
  So this week was alright for us here in Lirquén. So I'll just start off with a summary of the week then about the big changes that are happening. This week we worked hard on trying to get Monica and Jocelyn to try to come to church this Sunday. We met with them a couple times each during the week and it went pretty good. We also had a family home evening that went pretty good on Wednesday. But then later in the week, from like Thursday and on we couldn't find Monica or Jocelyn. So that was kind of tough, but we still kept trying to go by to help them go to church on Sunday.

  On Saturday and Sunday was stake conference. It was really cool because the Elder Amado, the Area President of Chile had to come because they were calling a new stake president. When he speaks it's with such power and authority, and it's really evident that he is a man called of God. Unfortunately however, no investigators of ours came to church, which really saddened me, especially seeing how badly they need the blessings that come with the Gospel and going to church. So that was basically how the week was for us. Then this morning we anxiously awaited the phone call about the cambios (the changes). President Humphrey, who was also at the stake conference, also kind of alluded that there would be changes in our sector. So we were kind of expecting it. But when we got the call I wasn't expecting what I heard about me. Well first off Elder Pulver is leaving, he's going to Talca to be a district leader. I was also informed that I would become the district leader here, and that I would be training! I wasn't expecting both things. Aaron explained what the district leader does already, (gives the classes, does the baptism interviews, etc). Now training means that my comp is gonna be fresh from the MTC, fresh from the states, or in other words, not knowing anything of spanish, haha. It should be an interesting time.
  Well that's what happened! So tomorrow I've gotta drop Elder Pulver off at the bus terminal and then go to the mission home to find my new comp! This next week should be pretty interesting, and I'll be sure to take a lot of notes as to how it goes. And I'm gonna attach a few pictures for you to you! The church is true!

Elder Ryan Mayberry

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