Monday, September 13, 2010

An interesting week!

  Well hello there!
  So this last week I became a dad! That's what they say to people who train new missionaries who come in. Well this week was definitely very different from the other weeks of the mission. I'll tell you about everything that happened.

  So on Monday we basically were just saying bye to the people in the sector. Then bright and early Tuesday morning we went to the bus terminal in Concepcion to send him off. So there I had to wait for a couple hours to go to the mission home. That's where all the trainers have to go to pick up the new missionaries. So we got there, and the first thing we did was eat a delicious lunch. Then they taught us a bit as a group, trainers and "news". Then right before we were about to leave was the big time to get the new comps. The way it works is the President just says for example, 'Elder ___, you're with Elder ___'. So I was just waiting there anxiously for my new comp. I was the last for President to call, so I already knew who was gonna be my comp before he said it. But now my new comp is Elder Strong, from Centerville Utah! So then we just got a few final words from the President, then we were taken to our sectors. The assisstants drove us to Lirquen. So then we got there, and the work began just like before. But with one big change, my comp doesn't know too much spanish.
  So it's really quite different being with a a brand new missionary. One, he's getting a massive culture shock, but I'm on the end of having to help with everything. It's quite different, and I wonder if I was like that when I was new. But things are going good, I've already seen an improvement in Elder Strongs spanish since he got here. But things are going good. Well, let me continue with the week.
  On Tuesday I had to give my first district class, which went alright. Then the rest of Tuesday and Wednesday were just normal missionary days. On Thursday I was supposed to go give my first baptism interview. It was to a guy I had taught before, who was really cool. Well we went to go do it at 9:00 on Thursday, and we got there and it turns out we had to postpone it a day. Then the missionaries treated us to completos for making us come out. And Elder Strong didn't like his first completo. So then Friday was pretty cool.
  So on Friday we went to go do the baptismal interview. I was a bit nervous to do it, but it went really well. Like Aaron said, I really felt guided by the spirit. And it was soo cool, the guy I interviewed (his name is Jorge) has such a strong testimony, and such great faith. He passed the interview with flying colors and gave the closing prayer, I a really haven't heard someone pray with such great faith before. It was a really edifying experience for me.
   So I'm gonna talk a bit about investigators and their progress now. So this week was pretty good in terms of teaching them. We taught our better investigators a lot this week trying to get them to church. 5 of them committed to going to church this Sunday. And none came. A very sad moment. A couple had legitimate excuses, but the others we're gonna figure out why. And this week we found a couple new people who seem to be prepared by the Lord to receive the gospel, but more will come on them next week. This upcoming week is gonna be mainly helping our investigators get to church.
  And this upcoming week is the Chilean independance day (a lot bigger than in the States), September 18th. We're gonna be eating a lot of traditional Chilean food this week. And mas encima (moreover) it's the 200th anniversary, so they went ahead and turned it into 4 days of vacation and no working. Should be pretty interesting to see how it affects the work.
  So that's basically how this week went! Today we played some soccer with other missionaries and went to Concepcion. I'll attatch some pictures to the email, and more news will come during the next week. This church is very true, I see it more and more as time goes by. I love this work and am very happy to be here. I love you all, and have great weeks!
Elder Ryan Mayberry

1) The Funny School:

2) Me and Elder Pulver before he left:

3) Me and my son (Elder Strong):

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